
Computer parts drop noise of the CPU fan

Core tip: many friends are reaction own computer too much noise noise. Actually the biggest culprit is CPU fan. Generally speaking, the new buy fan always noise is small, and the use of a period of time will be significantly bigger. In fact, the dust caused by fan noise is one of the important reasons cpu fan for rising, because all-pervasive dust can always .
A lot of friends reaction own computer too much noise noise. Actually the biggest culprit is CPU fan. Generally speaking, the new buy fan always noise is small, and the use of a period of time will be significantly bigger. In fact, the dust caused by fan noise is one of the important reasons for rising, because all-pervasive dust can always drilling incomplete airtight case. When the CPU fan high speed rotates, the whirlpool effect makes the dust is easy to adhere to the fan on. There is no doubt that at this time will CPU fan tear open come down to clean a is very necessary, and in the dust out, we should pay attention to fan back and fin of crack, here is the most easily forgotten.

Fan back and fin of crack don't forget to clean up, here is very easy to accumulate dust

For oil bearing fan is concerned, motor
 cpu fan drive shaft after a long time work less flexible is often the things. Therefore, suggest that we in this position add lubricating oil, recommend mechanical lubricating oil or gasoline engine oil. Of course, in the add lubricating oil must be careful, do not let it overflow.

In addition, the vibration problem is also need our attention, usually high speed rotating fan and cooling fin occurred high frequency collision, if the fan and cooling fin then stable appropriate, collisions vibration noise can be greatly reduced. Such as the high speed rotating CPU fan take in hand, the noise is far less than the fixed in the radiator, this is because the soft hands absorbed a large number of vibration. According to this principle, in the fan corners and fin between contact with 1 ~ 2 mm thick soft gasket (such as leather, rubber), can effectively reduce the fan and cooling fin vibration produced by the noise.

Special fan governor, some fans 
cpu fan have the speed regulating function

In the summer, many users can choose to stop overclocking, the high power fan obviously is unnecessary. Lead to fan sound too much the most main reason is that it extremely high speed. If we will fan droop down, so the noise problem will be further ease. In fact, even if we use the CPU fan can't adjust speed, we can also through the special fan governor and make up. ZALMAN company launched FAN MATE1 FAN governor in the domestic market is very popular, kyushu Aeolus have similar products. The use of this kind of fan governor is very simple, you only need to will CPU fan power interface on fan governor, and then fan governor connection on the mainboard CPU fan power interface can be.

As for the beginning ability strong user, you can try to reduce the working voltage of the series resistance method. As for the resistance value, we can use the CPU fan on the nameplate calculation (remember P = UI, R = U/I can), and at this time we can get any voltage. Want to remind everybody 
cpu fan finally, reduce the CPU fan speed after, must in the BIOS open the corresponding temperature monitoring function, to ensure safety. Of course, when that can put the alarm temperature and shutdown temperature setting a few higher.


すべてのパ ソコンファンCPU上では、電源およびその他のコンポーネントは、熱放散の多くを作り出す。
内部の潜在的に壊滅的なシーンを - ファンの騒音は、彼らが熱がコンピュータを作成する可能性があることを意味していることが正しく動作していないことを示しています。
6.モバイルPCは、オプションではありません場合は、このような最先端の投資などのより強力なパ ソコン ファンまたは冷却液の冷却システムが、必要な場合があります。



CPUは、電源を入れて動作させると発熱します。そして何もしなければすごく熱くなり、いくつかの問題を発生させます。オーバーヒート(過熱)による動作不良、 異常な熱膨張・収縮によるCPU寿命の短縮…。

冷却ファン - 環境と実行

CPU冷却ファン 頻繁に屋内環境で動作し、室内の温度がちょうど高速冷却ファンがスムーズに実行を保証することである、多くの人々はファン効果の動作周囲温度に依存しないことを前提としています。
それは、新しいCPUファンを購入するだけであっても実際には、これらの間違った理解が低温環境コンピュータは、コンピュータを使用して、非常に低い温度、氷と雪に一度、過酷な条件で実行されていないと、時間がかかることはありません、あなたはファンの操作の効果が悪く感じることができるようになり、外部の現象を明らかに単にコンピュータを起動した瞬間にノイズが多い、貧しい回転を実行し、そこにこのような現象はなぜか? 最悪の場合は非常に難しい回転早期開始で冷却ファンになるオリジナルの非常に低い温度、冷却ファンの故障の軸にかかる潤滑剤、、私たちは、その冷却ファンを確実にするためにそう、騒々しい振動を送信しますCPUファンは、低温で通常の操作であることを保証するための環境の温度だけでなく、特に不凍液潤滑剤を充填し、ファンに注意を払うに加えて優れた業績、。


CPUファンの音がややうるさくて、静音化したかったので を使ってみました。
主に なんか静音ファンcpuを利用していて音がうるさい時やより静音化したい時に使用します。 でなくても8cmファンの取り付けができるようなら基本的に使用できます。
今回交換するのはこちら。cooler masterのファンとヒートシンクが付いてます。ファンは8cmファンなので交換できそうです。そんなにうるさいわけではないのですが、やや気になる音なので静音化を試みます。
パ ソコン起動後にしっかり負荷をかけて計測しましたが、そんなにFANの回転数も上がらず、CPU温度も問題なし。Core2Duoというのもかなり関係し てるかとは思います。ファンからほとんど音がしない感じです。回転数や音はもう少しあがってきます。それでもこのファンは相当静かです。



CPUファンの音がややうるさくて、静音化したかったので dell を使ってみました。
主に dell のCeleronやpentium4なんかの静音ファン cpuを利用していて音がうるさい時やより静音化したい時に使用します。dell でなくても8cmファンの取り付けができるようなら基本的に使用できます。
冒頭にも書きましたように、ソケットdell のすべてのパソコンでつけれるというわけではありません。交換などはある程度の知識等が必要となりますので、交換は自己責任でお願いします。ただ交換に成功すれば、極静音動作が楽しめます。
今回交換するのはこちら。cooler masterのファンとヒートシンクが付いてます。ファンは8cmファンなので交換できそうです。そんなにうるさいわけではないのですが、やや気になる音なので静音化を試みます。


今回使用するのは、山洋電気製の超静音ファン San Cooler 92です。実売価格は2,500円~3,000円程度で、風切音はまったくといっていいほどしないです。
交換が簡単 CPUファンですが、ケース内部の熱を排気する大事な役割を持っているパーツです。静音性を求めるあまり、あまりに低回転のものを選んでしまうと、排熱ができずに熱がケース内部にこもってしまう場合もあります。風量と静音性のバランスを考える必要があることは意識してケースファンの交換をしましょう。



How to choose a DELL power supply for your PC

Ask any good computer technician what the most important component is in your PC and the likely answer will be the GX520 power supply (also known as the PSU, or power supply unit).
The PSU is designed to take an input voltage from mains power (here in Australia we use 240V) and then reduce and regulate the output to 12V or less, to power the components inside the PC. Looking at the power supply you will see a range of different plug connectors, designed to power such things as motherboards, hard drives, optical drives, and graphics cards.
Most manufacturers will give a power rating to their particular PSU models such as 500 Watt or 850 Watt. Most people tend to think that the power rating of the PSU is all they need to know, but this is not the case. There are very good quality high efficiency power supplies on the market, but, conversely, there are many poor quality PSUs on the market also. Some cheap and nasty PSUs are lucky to achieve a sustained output of half their claimed power rating, meaning that your new 500W PSU may indeed only be capable of 250W of continuous output. Certainly not enough to power your new high-end gaming system!
In an effort to rationalise the labelling of PSUs and to promote energy efficiency, industry leaders devised the 80 PLUS rating system as far back as 2004. The 80 PLUS idea created a list of efficiency specifications that a PSU model needed to achieve across a range of their rated power loads. Any PSU submitted for testing which was able to meet these requirements was then awarded an 80 PLUS rating and is allowed to advertise this certification, as well as use the 80 PLUS certified logo. In early 2008 the 80 PLUS standard was revised to cater for newer, more energy efficient models and the 80 PLUS Bronze, Silver and Gold categories were created. To this list was added the 80 PLUS Platinum certification in October 2009.
Below is a table for Internal Non-redundant GX520 Power Supply and the efficiency rating required at 20% load 50% load and 100% load to achieve certification in one of the 80 PLUS categories.
Fraction of rated load   20%   50%   100%
80 PLUS   80%   80%    80%
80 PLUS Bronze   82%   85%    82%
80 PLUS Silver   85%   88%    85%
80 PLUS Gold   87%   90%    87%
80 PLUS Platinum   90%   92%    89%
As you can see by this list, the most energy efficient Gold and Platinum rated PSUs are averaging close to or slightly above 90% of their rated output.
Some unscrupulous companies have used the 80 PLUS logos in their advertising or on the product packaging, when in fact their PSU has not been tested or certified. At DCA Computers we see such impostors on a regular basis. The eager vendor will put his hand on his heart and swear the unit has 80 PLUS certification while holding up a PSU that is adorned with a bright gold 80 PLUS sticker. Apart from the PSU being not much heavier than the cardboard carton it emerged from, it’s hard to tell the difference. When the PSU is fitted into a tower case, it then becomes a more challenging ruse. The only way to be absolutely sure that you are getting the genuine article is to check the validity of any certification claims by going to the following website. This sitelists all manufacturers and models which have had certification status awarded to them. So far 2824 PSUs have been awarded 80 PLUS or higher certification, so there are definitely plenty of quality choices currently available on the market.

How Do I Choose a Quiet DELL CPU Fan?

Responsible for cooling the main processing unit in a computer, the computer processing unit GX620 CPU fan setup usually consists of a heatsink and a fan to blow the air. Most modern computer systems also have sensors that tell the computer to turn the fan on when the sensor detects high temperatures that can cause less than optimal performance from a CPU. When you are cooling a CPU and you want the room quiet, choosing the right CPU fan can make a significant difference in the noise levels produced by the cooling system. When deciding on a new quietCPU fan for your computer, the most important things to keep in mind are the decibel levels of the fan sound, the pitch of sound produced by the fan and whether the size of the fan will fit in your existing computer.
Manufacturers of CPU fans include labels identifying the sound levels in decibels (dB) that thefan usually produces. You can find the sound levels listed in a table located somewhere on the side or back of the CPU box. Manufacturers also list the sound level specifications for their hardware online. When comparing computer fan sound levels, the higher the decibel level is, the louder the fan will be. A quiet CPU fan will often advertise its decibel level in a conspicuous place on the packaging; an exceptionally quiet CPU fan will produce about 19 decibels of sound when it is running.
When choosing a quiet CPU fan, you must not only consider the loudness of the fan, but also the pitch of the sound. High-pitched fans will often create a more grating sound than fans which output lower-pitch sound. The pitch of fan sound is measured in Hertz (Hz). Hertz indicates the frequency of the sound indicated in cycles per second; the higher the number of Hertz, the higher the pitch. Sometimes, the pitch of a quiet CPU fan can be a matter of personal preference; if you find low-pitched humming more offensive than a high-pitched fan, you may want to opt for a fan with sound in a higher pitch.
In some situations, like in a recording studio, a fan may not be quiet enough. Other options for cooling a computer when you need absolute silence include water cooling systems and large heatsinks. With CPU fans, the less often the fan kicks on, the quieter the room will remain. Using a properly installed, high-quality heatsink can help move heat away from the CPU more efficiently, reducing the CPU temperature faster so the sensor turns the GX620 CPU fan on less frequently. Copper, a metal with high thermal conductivity, is the best metal to look for in a heatsink.